Welcome Basket Packets for Grandparents
About a year ago the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin started an innovative grandparent support group.
About a year ago the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin started an innovative grandparent support group.
We will be presenting the following sessions at the Down syndrome leadership conference in St. Louis, MO Feb. 28-Mar. 3, 2019: Brace for the Changing Landscape of Prenatal Testing: What Every Affiliate Should Know 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM, Fri, Mar 1, 2019 by Mark Leach and Stephanie Meredith Over Read more…
October 29-30, we will be speaking about the impact of non-invasive prenatal screening on patient advocacy groups and the challenges of navigating ethically ambiguous territory, as well as some possible solutions for creating an education infrastructure as prenatal screening expands.
Proposal Title: A Default Panel for Expanded Prenatal Testing: Could Embracing Routinization Be Consistent with Respecting Autonomy and Justice? American Society for Bioethics & Humanities Anaheim, California October 19, 2018
Down Syndrome Representative Information Form for a Down Syndrome Representative representing a local organization: DSRepIntro
Script for a Down Syndrome Representative approaching a medical office for the first time. Download.